Sunday, November 24, 2013

A few more of my favorite things…

So today was the first Sunday I have had off since NFL-China Started (with the exception of the one for National Holiday).  What did I do today?  This question brings me to the title of todays post, "A few more of my favorite things."

The first of the few is sleeping late.  Since I had no where pressing to be, I slept in-and boy did it feel ever-so-good! By sleeping late, I mean I didn't wake up until around 10 but I didn't get out of bed until after 11.  When I finally got up and going, I started cleaning my room.  See last week I couldn't take it any longer, so I told  my roommates we had to have a "family" cleaning day.  (Meaning, I wasn't going to be the only one cleaning!)  So I awoke and started cleaning my room because the other roommates were up and about yet.  After about 15-20 mins one of the other roommates arose and started helping.  Shortly after, the other was in the mix as well.  After a good hour and half/45 mins we had cleaned pretty much the whole apartment.  Item number two on today's list:  a clean apartment!

During the cleaning, I bit of my mother got into me…I haven't liked how our living room was set up so I began moving things.  Bless my mom, she is constantly moving furniture in the house, or the heaviest darn benches out in the yard.  Oh, and when she decides to move them, it usually isn't just a couple feet away, it is either upstairs from downstairs (or visa-versa) or from one side of the yard to the other.  So while the mops and vacuums were out, I took it upon myself to move the fridge, couch, tv stand and a chair.  It opened up the room tremendously.  I hesitantly write this, but item number 3 today:  a newly rearranged room.  (Now mom will have me moving everything when I get back!)

After we finished I went out to visit a friend who was hurt and has been cooped up in their place for about 2-3 weeks.  I took some lunch over and we ate and talked.  Number 4 for today:  friends-ALL my friends.  Coming home from my friends place (and going) I started listening to Christmas music.  Last night I had my first (for this year) Thanksgiving dinner with the family and friends of a student-athlete that I took care of this year.  After Thanksgiving, comes Christmas-and in a place like China, I'm not sure how much it is celebrated; so I decided to start celebrating myself with listening to my Christmas playlist.  Item #5:  Christmas music.

Once I got to the area of my apartment I decided I was a little hungry, so I decided to have some noodles from a great little "whole-in-the-wall" place that we eat at all the time.  I have had these noodles many times (and Charlie, one roommate has the fried rice like every night) but I have never really watched them make them.  Tonight I ordered as I usually do and I watched as the man began to make my noodles.  He didn't grab a pile of noodles and through them into water; no, he started kneading some dough, then cut about a 3-4 inch wad of dough from the big dough ball.  I watched as he stretched the dough and each time he stretched the dough he would somehow make more and more noodle strands.  When he achieved the desired amount of noodles he through them into the pot of boiling water for literally a minute and a half.  (The stretching of the noodles only took about 2 minutes total) He scooped the noodles out and put them in a bag with some of the beef broth/stock and I was on my way home with the freshest noodles you could have.  Now, I LOVE these noodles-and this was even before today, but now I love them even more, knowing that they are made when I order them.  

So there you have it…just a few more of my favorite things.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Finally, the NFL Finals...

So I finally have a bit of time to sit down and provide a few updates.  First off, let me say thanks to those of you who keep telling me that you enjoy reading what I have to say and that you look forward to what I post (here or on Facebook).  

So, for what has happened lately…NFL-China is finally over!!!  I can't begin to express how happy I am that it is over.  (For those of you who stated that I looked happy in the photos from Hong Kong, now you know why!)  My last day was Sunday, November 17.  For the final game, I was asked to come down to Guangzhou and help cover the event.  This was also where I got to meet Joe Montana.  Completely down-to-earth, Joe was.  After he did the mandatory signing of autographs (of which I did get a football signed) and the small "how to through a football" session, and the obligatory interviews-Joe came onto the field and hung out with the Athletic Trainers.  Here we talked about a few different things.  He showed us this new app for the iPhone called "front/back" which is a photo app that takes a photo of what you are looking at, as well as you looking at it…(or something like that)  He showed us a few photos he had taken while he had been in China.  We then talked a little about different burgers, because he had not eaten and the "handlers" brought him over 3 burgers to eat.  (He only ate 2!)  I then had to go to work and help the injured.  

Chandler cheesing...
Joe talking to the QB's
Me getting my ball signed

While I was at the NFL-China finals I was a little shocked at something.  (Some of you will not find this unusual, but I actually did.)  While I went to take care of one of the injured athletes, I was running across the field, and all of a sudden I hear "JOSH!!!" coming from a crowd in the stands.  I look over and saw a group of college kids from Beijing waving at me.  Now being back in the states and seeing someone you know is nice, but it is so much better being in a completely different country and having someone yell at you from across the field.  It reminded me of being in NYC my freshman year in college and walking down Broadway Street, and hearing "Josh Euten, what are you doing in New York City?"  I turned around, as did the group I was with only to find Mrs. Hines, my twelfth grade Business Law teacher with another teacher from my high school.  I earned so many "cool points" when that happened…My friends asked "Gosh, Josh-do you know EVERYbody?"  Anyway, it was a good feeling having my colleagues ask the same thing, "Josh, is there anyone you don't know?"
She was captivating! 
Now before going to Guangzhou I was covering APAC Dance festival.  This was an event where all the APAC teams (our high school conference) got together at WAB worked together and participated in different workshops.  We had different dancers/choreographers come in and teach the kids.  Before the festival started, we had a couple Mongolian Throat singers and a dancer perform.  This dancer was special, she had a tragic accident when she was younger and lost her arm from the shoulder.  Her performance was nothing short of amazing!  It was actually emotional watching her dance-I completely understood her story; she was truly an artist!

Now, for one of the coolest things…what did I do on Monday-I spent the day in Hong Kong!  (Sorry for the 5th/6th grade slang) It totally rocks to be able to say that!  That is the cool thing about this international living.  One day I am in Beijing (a desert climate), the next Guangzhou (a tropical climate) and Hong Kong (coastal climate) the following day.  If you have never been to Hong Kong, picture China or the typical Chinatown in any major city and that is Hong Kong.  I was shocked at how western it was.  One of the things that I have said while I have lived here in Beijing is that I keep turning a corner expecting to see english on the next street, something more like home-well that just hasn't happened…not until I got to Hong Kong.  I will admit, this was the first time that I actually did miss home…it was so familiar that I did actually miss home somewhat.  
Looking out over The Peak..
Katie and I with Hong Kong Is.  in the background

So, three weeks left and this first semester in Beijing is over!  I can't believe just under 4 months have gone by since I left Hartsville, South Carolina.  Time has flown by.  I anticipate the next couple months to be faster than ever.  Plans for New Zealand are starting to firm up, as are the plans for Cambodia for Chinese New Year.  

Stay tuned for more updates…I hope to be better about keeping this updated… :)

Friday, November 15, 2013

I am back....but I have some catching up to do....Here is what I was going to post on Oct. 30...

October 30, 2013

Wow!  What a busy time of year!  I thought that taking a job internationally wouldn't be the exact same as working back in the states…but I guess Athletic Training is Athletic Training anywhere in the world.  Back home, October seems to be one of the most busy months for ATCs (at least in the jobs I have had!)  I can remember working daily (including Saturday and Sundays) from September all the way to the start of November and basketball season; yes-no days off!  I thought for sure that would change when I took this job.  I was not correct in my assumption.  

Now the difference is I choose to work as much as I do.  Let me explain this…I do NOT choose to work daily as that is just "par for the course" in the life of an ATC.  However, I do choose to work the amount of time that I work.  Technically with this job I could just work from 2(ish) in the afternoon to 6-7 during the week and practices on Saturday, with NFL-China (an all day event) on Sundays.  While this schedule does sound nice, I tend to like making more money than I do with just this job (as well as I get bored sitting around the house waiting for 2 to come)-so I decided to be a substitute teacher for our school (actually this was part of the contract between the two companies I work for).  I guess I am a good sub, because I am booked for a week or two in advance.  One thing that helps is that I am willing to sub for any grade level and any subject.  I have found this to be quiet lucrative…but it means I work ALL DAY LONG.  In order to play hard, I guess I have to work hard.  

I didn't think that I would like subbing, but I actually do look forward to most of the assignments that I get.  By now, I have subbed every grade and I have actually subbed for almost every kid in the school.  It is really awesome to walk the halls of the school and see the little kids look up and say "Hey Mr. J!" or "Hey Mr. Josh!"  It is an even better feeling when a teacher stops me in the hallway and asks me if I am free a certain day because they want to request me; or when a student comes up to me and says "Why aren't you our sub today, we like you!"  For someone who doesn't really want kids, I guess I do have a soft spot for them.  However, I am not that easy sub that lets everything pass…In fact this week I have a whole week in one class, a grade 5 class.  There are a couple kids in the class that are testing their limits.  Today I had pull the old saying "You have ONE more time!"  Luckily, they didn't test that threat.  However, I do have a special guest coming in the class in the morning just to make her presence known-the Assistant Principle-I am hoping this will nip the issues on the spot.  I was close to putting some kids in the hallway today…we all made it through the day!

So, as I said, I am covering for one class this week-this is because the teacher has pneumonia and is out for at least a week.  I was a little nervous about this as I actually have to teach, rather than just babysit.  But it has been pretty cool-we have been learning about energy, the scientific method and division techniques.  While I was going over division, I used a cookie cake as an example (not a real one, but pretend) and I started craving chocolate chip cookies.  So I decided I would be an awesome sub and I just ordered a cookie cake from Mrs. Fields so that we can "practice division" on Friday.  Yep, I am taking one for the team…I am going to eat a piece in the name of education!  (LOL)  I have told the class today that if they are good the rest of the week, then I would surprise them with something on Friday; I didn't tell them what, just said something…

Today, we made a video for the teacher wishing him well.  I hope he likes it.  I am by no means a good video editor, but I did enjoy taking the time doing this…and when I mentioned to the kids that we should send him a video, they all erupted in excitement.  So after all their work was done, we took about 5 minutes to film, and I used a planning period to edit a little…and this is what we came up with…

I am sure he will enjoy it!

Now for a quick update on the past few weeks:
The weather has changed to Autumn…(it is really cool to actually see and feel a change in seasons!)  Frosted this morning for the first time!
Only one more week of NFL-China in Beijing…In 3 weekends I go to Guangzhou for the China finals of NFL China…There I will meet Joe Montana!!
Two weekends ago, I met these folks….

This past weekend, Beijing had their first tackle football game of the year…

Last week WAB hosted the APAC Volleyball tournament and I met coaches and students from all over Asia (WAB didn't win!)
Rugby ended last weekend as well!  
Went to see the Red Hot Chili Pipers (Yes, Pipers-as in Bag Pipes!)  They ROCKED!!
Got asked and hired to work with the Arena Football league in two weeks when they come to Beijing!
Matt and Abby announced that I get to be Uncle, again!  
Booked the car and the ferry tickets for "Josh and Jenny's Awesome New Zealand Adventure!!!!" 
I think that about covers it!  I have to throw a "shout-out" to Mr. Ken Hughes for keeping me accountable.  I am sorry it has been 3 weeks, but thanks for reminding me that folks do actually read this stuff!!

One last "shout-out,"  Ella, I love you dearly!  I hope you had a beautiful birthday, and I am so sorry that I was not able to celebrate it in Alabama, but I did celebrate it for you here in Beijing!  I love you and miss you!!!